Home > Products > Area Sensor / Safety Light Curtain > Safety Light Curtain > Type 4 Safety Light Curtain > SL-R Series > Model > SL-R2430-40-15-N

Area Sensor / Safety Light Curtain

Type 4 Safety Light CurtainSL-R Series

Type 4 Safety Light Curtain Beam axis spacing 40mm No. of beam axes 61 NPN

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Model SL-R2430-40-15-N
Output type NPN
Safety level Beam axes
Detecting distance 0~15m
Detection height 2392mm
Light source Infrared LEDwavelength 850nm
Ambient temperature Operating: -10~55℃( no frost and fog; bank: -30~70
Relative humidity Operating: 35%RH~85%RH bank: 35RH 95RH

Resistance to optical


Incandescent light source: ≥3000Lux;

phosphor light source: ≥3000Lux;

sunlight source: ≥10000Lux
Homologous optical interference Interfering light from identically designed emitting elements will not cause dangerous failures of the safety encoder.
Vibration resistance Frequency 10Hz~55Hz,amplitude0.35±0.05mm 20 times each in X, Y and Z directions
Impact resistance Acceleration 10g, pulse duration 16ms, 1000 times each in X, Y and Z directions
Protection class IP65/IP67
Overall dimensions 33×28×A (A is the length Transmitter and Receiver)
Power voltage 24VDC±20%
Current consumption
(under dirty loads)
Transmitter: 200mA; Receiver: 200mA
Response time 13ms~140ms
Synchronization method Optical synchronization compatible line synchronization
Safety output PNP transistor output ×2; when NO state, load current ≤300mA, output voltage≥Vcc-2V;
when OFF state, leakage≤1mA, Residual voltage≤1V(excluding the effect of wire extension);
capacitive load: 0.9uF
inductive load2H
NPN transistor output×2, when NO state, load current≤300mA, output voltage≤2V;
when OFF state
leakage≤1mA, residual voltage≤2Vexcluding the effect of wire extension;
capacitive load: 0.9uF, inductive load: 2H
Start-up time 2s
Detection function Power-on self-test, real-time self-test during the working process
Protection circuit Over-voltage and over-current protection, output short-circuit protection
Mutual inter ference
prevention function
Optical interference avoidance algorithms, optical synchronization with different optical
communication codes when used by adjacent machines
Auxiliary output (AUX) Non-safety output, one way PNP output, inverted with OSSD, output current ≤ 300mAin blackout state.
Voltage ≥Vcc-2V, output current <2mAin on-off state, voltage <2V
External monitoring (EDM) When external relay or contactor load, monitor the status of load normally closed contact;
ON state input voltage: 0~7V or open circuit; OFF state output voltage: 9V~24V;
When opticalsynchronization: optical communication code 1 is the same as first synchronization;
when optical communication code 2, ON state input voltage: 9V~24V; OFF state input voltage: 0~7V or open circuit
Manual reset When the line is synchronized, a set of normally open contacts is strung in the EDM circuit, which can realize the manual reset function.
Connection type Relay type connector M12-8PIN
Cable OW-SLR-5M
Mounting bracket OW-SLR001

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