Home > Products > Laser Scanner > High-speed Type > High-speed Type > SC-V Series > Model > SC-V10N

Laser Scanner

High-speed TypeSC-V Series

High speed obstacle avoidance type Wavelength 905nm NPN

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Model SC-V10N
Output method NPN
Type High speed obstacle avoidance type
Detection radius Wavelength 905nm, class I laser products
Scan angle range 270°
Measurement accuracy Standard Model±4cm@1sigma
Angle discrimination 0.5°
Operation -10~55℃(no freezing,no condensation
Save -40~70
Operation 35%RH85%RH
Save 35%RH95%RH
Anti-optical Interference 15000 Lux
Vibration resistance Frequency 10Hz55Hzamplitude: 0.35±0.05 mmscanning times: three axes, 20 times per axis
Impact resistance Acceleration 10g; pulse duration: 16 ms; number of collisions: three axes, 1000±10 per axis
Measurement error ±4cm
Protection class IP65
Overall dimensions 62×64×80mm
Power voltage DC9V~DC30V
Power consumption 3Wtypical value
Zone configuration The user can configure the SC-V's defense zone to the desired shape through the configuration software.
Response time 80ms2-turn scan~640ms(16-turn scan), default 80ms
Area group switching 4 groups of external input signals (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4) to realize the switching of 16 area groups,
default Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 is not connected when the area group 1 work.
Operating mode SC-V provides 4 operating modes, default operating mode 1
Mounting bracketoption Horizontal/Vertical/Vibration damping/Shield mounting optional

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