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Laser Displacement Sensors-Nomenclature

What is the terminology for laser displacement sensors?

① Absolute position output: the output of the contact displacement sensor is relative to the position of an absolute (fixed) reference point, and no reset is required when the sensor loses power and then resumes power supply, unlike general incremental displacement sensors (such as incremental encoders and incremental scales), which require a system reset after a power failure in order to continue measurement;

② Non-linearity: the difference between the displayed position value of the position magnet and the true value along the measurement stroke of the displacement sensor. In magnetostrictive displacement sensors, this variation is caused by the nonlinearity of the signal propagation in the waveguide medium. The nonlinearity is usually expressed in terms of absolute error or as a percentage of the effective travel length;

③ Repeatability: the difference in sensor output when the magnet reaches the same position repeatedly from the same direction when measured along the stroke;

④ Resolution: the displacement represented by the last digit of the sensor's measured output value;

⑤ Hysteresis: Here, it refers to the difference between the two measured output values when the magnet ring or rod reaches and exceeds a certain position along the direction of the measurement stroke and then passes through that position in the opposite direction. The actual hysteresis of most types of sensors is very small and negligible in most applications;

(vi) Range: The range refers to the actual available detection area of the displacement transducer and is usually clearly indicated in the order number. The detection length (travel) must be shorter than the total length of the transducer due to the presence of first and last measurement blind zones.

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