Infrared temperature sensor-Nomenclature
What is the terminology for infrared temperature sensors?
Radiation coefficient (emissivity): all objects reflect, transmit and radiate energy, and only the radiated energy indicates the temperature of the object, which is characterised by the emissivity of the infrared radiation of the object. When an infrared thermometer measures surface temperature, it senses all three types of energy, and only the radiant energy is needed to measure temperature, so all thermometers must adjust the emissivity in order to correctly measure the radiant energy.
Slope (for two-colour mode only): Slope is the ratio of the emissivity in single-colour broadband mode to the emissivity in single-colour narrowband mode, and is used when calculating the measured temperature in two-colour mode.
Temperature range: The temperature range of Azurex products is 300-1600, each type of pyrometer has its own specific temperature range, when purchasing, it should be matched with the actual application of the temperature range, the choice should be neither too wide nor too narrow, too wide will affect the accuracy of temperature measurement.
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